Hot new report reveals...
How To Cut Your Grocery Bills In Half
Best part: In addition to saving thousands of dollars a year, you'll also spend less time grocery shopping than ever before… and… eat better than you have in years!
Free 30-Page eBook
Shows You How To Cut Your
Grocery Bills In Half

Thomson, Illinois
June 15, 2021
Dear Friend,
In the next few minutes, I am (with your permission) going to send you a brand new report titled…
Ruthlessly Slashing Your Grocery Bills In Half!
It's a $19.95 value… and… I'm going to send it to you...
Absolutely Free!
Hi, my name is Mike Walters and I'm editor-at-large of one of the leading websites in the world for practical information on living and surviving in hard times (economic and otherwise).
In a minute, I'll tell you why I'm going to send this report to you for free… but first… let me reveal a small sample of the money and time-saving secrets you will discover in it…
- How to save as much as 25% off the "Everyday Low Prices" offered at big-box stores!
- A simple trick that allows you to track and always know the best prices on well-known brand name items!
- How a family of four can easily slash their grocery bill by $300 (or more) every month! (Not only will you save money… but… you'll also save significant amounts of time shopping.)
- Why coupons aren't always the great deal so many people make them out to be! (Food manufacturers desperately want to keep this information under wraps.)
- How, if you choose to use coupons, to use them wisely!
- A food purchasing plan—developed in Switzerland in the 1960s—that can save you money on organic foods! (If you've ever shopped at a natural food store—"Whole Paycheck" for instance—you know just how expensive organic foods can be. Here's a great alternative.)
- Another food purchasing plan—developed in the U.S.—that can save you 30% to 50% on your entire grocery bill! (In one state, they even offer free fruits and vegetables to people who have children under 12.)
- How to use the "Pantry Principle" to slash your grocery bill, save time and simplify your life!
- The ideal area for a pantry in your home… plus… the one area (many people mistakenly think of first) that can seriously degrade the quality of your food!
- A good rule-of-thumb that prevents overbuying when stocking up on essentials!
- How to rotate your food stock to avoid wasted food and wasted dollars! (A permanent marker and 5 minutes a month is all you need.)
- How to make an extra freezer pay for itself (in savings) quickly!
- 6 secret money and time-saving tips for getting the most out of your freezer space! (Not 1 homeowner in 10,000 knows all—or even half—of these secrets.)
- An important freezer security measure you need to know if you have children in your home!
- A freezer storage guideline for Beef, Poultry, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Dairy, Vegetables, Bread and more to ensure the safety and optimum quality of your food!
- A food checklist that will help ensure you always have a well-stocked pantry!
- 5 ways—most of which are free—to learn how to cook delicious, nutritious meals at home! (In addition to saving thousands of dollars a year, cooking your own meals at home has physical and psychological health benefits, as well. And, believe it or not, you'll even save a lot of time when you do it right!)
- 6 ways to slash your grocery bill by making the most of leftovers!
- How a home garden increases health and provides an antidote for food price inflation at the same time!
- 7 little-known, insider tips for successful home gardening!
- How to preserve your home garden harvest by freezing, canning and dehydrating! (Freezing is easiest… but… depending on your needs, canning and dehydrating have additional benefits you may want to consider.)
- And much, much more!
As soon as you read this report (it's short and to the point), you will have all the knowledge and resources you need to start saving 50% on your grocery bills right away.
This truly is insider information that can save you thousands of dollars a year from now on.
But why am I sending this report to you, and why am I sending it to you absolutely free?
It's a simple bribe to get you to sign up for our fiercely independent weekly e-mail newsletter titled, "Off The Grid News". Each issue is crammed full of resources, analysis and advice (all stuff you'll never get from the mainstream media) for living and surviving today and in future times when life may not be as easy.
It is also free and you can unsubscribe at any time if you wish. To get your free report and free subscription to "Off The Grid News"… simply enter your primary e-mail address in the form below…
Mike Walters
P.S. WARNING: To protect yourself from food price inflation, you need to get and act on the information in this report immediately. The sooner the better because, global food prices have tripled in the last 6 years… skyrocketing 37% in the last year alone. And all signs only point to things getting worse not better!
P.P.S. NOTE: Your e-mail address will never be sold, rented, or used for any purpose other than delivering "Off The Grid News" to you… and… any additional news or resources we feel may help you be better prepared for living and surviving in hard times. And again, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe link" that is included at the bottom of every message we send.
The Best Time to Start Planning Your 2021
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The old adage that says "he who hesitates is lost" really hits home when it comes to planting a back yard garden. You must start somewhere! When you click the button and get the "Cash Garden" Report ... you'll have taken the first step towards having an amazing "Plan B" back yard garden or even a great community garden. Do it today before you get distracted. You'll be glad you did!

Retails For 19.95
The Cash Garden eBook is great for back yard gardening ideas as well as a way to initiate community gardens.
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